Exercise 6 - Build a leave request application
The goal of this exercise is to enrich the application for users to create and manage their leave requests by adding a fragment.
Instructions overview
Open the UI Designer and go to the Application page named LeaveRequestStatus.
This page already contains a "multiple container" that list the on-going leave requests. We are going to configure this container to enrich it. For each request a clear status will be displayed.
Create a fragment containing a date widget and an input widget to collect new leave request information in the page. Use this fragment in the page and bind its data. Then add a submit button to start a new leave request.
Redeploy the application page using the Deploy button from the application descriptor in Bonita Studio.
Access the application using the generated URL.
Step by step instructions
Go to the page LeaveRequestStatus:
- In the Studio, click on the UI Designer button
- Select LeaveRequestStatus page in the Pages tab
- You should now be on the designer page
Create a variable to store the session information:
- Click on Create a new variable
- Name it sessionInfo
- Choose External API for the type
- In the field API URL, enter:
Modify the label Is Approved of the widget Table:
- Select the widget Table
- In the right panel, in the Headers field, delete RequestorId.
- Replace Is Approved with Status.
Declare a new JavaScript expression to format the column Status of the list:
- Click on Create a new variable
- Name it updateLeaveRequestStatus
- Choose JavaScript expression type
- Replace the existing value with the following script:
if($data.hasOwnProperty('leaveRequest') && $data.leaveRequest) { for (let line of $data.leaveRequest) { if (line.isApproved === null) { line.isApprovedLabel = "In progress"; } else if (line.isApproved) { line.isApprovedLabel = "Approved"; } else { line.isApprovedLabel = "Rejected"; } } } return $data.leaveRequest;
Display the information in the columns of the table more clearly :
- In the right panel, in the field Column keys replace isApproved with isApprovedLabel.
Select the Date picker widget called Leave Start and edit the following properties:
Property Value Read-Only Yes Label Start date Show Today button No -
Select the Input widget called Day Count and edit the following properties:
Property Value Read-Only Yes Label Number of days - Save the page
- The container should look like this:
- You can preview the page at anytime by clicking on Preview button
Tip: if you are logged in the Portal in the same browser, the current leave request will be displayed.
Add a new form container:
- Go back to edit your page in the UI Designer
- Drag a form container from the palette and place it between the two titles
Create a new variable to store the new leave request values:
- Click on Create a new variable
- Name it newLeaveRequest
- Choose JSON type
- Click Save
Create a fragment from the FillLeaveRequest form that will be reused in the page:
- Go back to UI Designer home page
- Select LeaveRequestStatus page in the Pages tab and click to open it
- On the fillLeaveRequest form, select the container with the 2 widgets Leave Start and DayCount
- In the right panel, click on ... and select Save as fragment
- Name it NewLeaveRequestFragment
- Click on Save. A new menu tab appears at the left side of UI Designer.
- Save the form and go back to UI Designer home page
Add the fragment in the form container and configure it:
- Drag and drop the NewLeaveRequestFragment from the left menu to the form container.
- Select the fragment and click on Edit... to configure the fragment's data
- Click on Create a new variable
- Name it dataExt
- Click on Yes to expose the fragment data to the page and Save the variable
- Select the DatePicker widget
- In the field Value replace formInput by dataExt
- Select the Input widget and replace formInput by dataExt in the field Value
- Click on Save
Bind the fragment data with the page data:
- Go back to the LeaveRequestStatus application page
- In the configuration panel, in Bindable fragment data add the variable newLeaveRequest
Create a new variable to store the process information:
- Click on Create a new variable
- Name it processDefinitionInfo
- Choose External API type
- In the field API URL, enter:
Add a submit button in the form container:
- Drag the Button widget from the palette and place it in the form container below the two widgets
- Enter Create a new request in the field Label
- Set Alignment as Center
- Set Style as Primary
- Select POST in the Action drop-down list
- Click on fx to switch the Data sent on click field mode and then enter newLeaveRequest
- In the field URL to call, enter:
- In the field Target URL on success, enter:
- Save the page
- Click on Preview
- The page should look like that:
You can click on Preview to verify the page is displayed correctly.
Deploy again the application from Bonita Studio:
- Click on button Deploy
- A deployment window opens. Click on Deploy (B)
- To open the application, select Leave requests application as User.
- Click on Open.
The application should look like this once deployed :
And that's it!