Exercise 7 - Adding a timer to the process
The goal of this exercise is to enrich the first version of the leave request process diagram with a timer on the validation task.
This timer will automatically send a reminder to the validator if he doesn't perform the task on time, without interrupting the process.
Instructions overview
Duplicate the process diagram from the previous exercise to create a 3.2.0 version
Add a non-interrupting boundary timer on the task Validate request. The timer duration is set to 5 seconds.
Add a service task named Send validation reminder and an end event named End - Reminder sent.
Add an email connector on the Send validation reminder service task. It will send a reminder email to the validator.
Step by step instructions
Add a non-interruptive boundary timer to the task Validate request:
- Click on the task Validate request
- In the tool box, add a boundary event
- Select the non-interrupting timer event in the list. It will be automatically added to the task.
Create a service task named Send validation reminder after the boundary event by dragging and dropping the task from the event to the lane.
Add an end event named End - reminder sent next to the newly added service task.
Configure the timer event:
- Select the boundary timer event
- Navigate to the General / General tab
- Add the name of the timer Send reminder after 5s
- Set the timer condition by clicking on Edit
- In the editor, select Duration to set the timer condition and put 5 in the field Seconds (A)
- Click on Generate duration expression (B)
- Click on Finish
The timer condition is automatically generated and must appear in the tab General
Add an email connector on the Send validation reminder task:
- Select the task Notify request approved
- Navigate to the Execution / Connectors in tab
- Select the existing email connector sendRequestApprovedEmail
- Click on Move/Copy...
- In the editor, select the action to perform Copy and the service task Send Validation Reminder
- Click on Finish
1.Configure the email connector on the Send validation reminder task:
- Select the task Send validation reminder
- Navigate to the Execution / Connectors in tab
- Select the email connector and click on Edit
- Update the name to sendReminderEmail
- Click on Next
- Do not change the parameters
- Move to the Email addressee configuration page
- Keep hr@acme.com in the From field
- Use the pencil icon to edit the expression of the To field
- Name the script getValidatorEmail
- In the script editor, enter the following script:
def processApi = apiAccessor.getProcessAPI(); def identityApi = apiAccessor.getIdentityAPI(); //Get the TaskInstance def humanTaskInstance = processApi.getHumanTaskInstances(processInstanceId, "Validate request", 0, 1).get(0); //Get the user id assigned to the task review request def reviewRequestAssignedId = humanTaskInstance.getAssigneeId(); //Get the review request email String reviewRequestAssignedEmail = ""; if(reviewRequestAssignedId >0){ reviewRequestAssignedEmail = identityApi.getUserContactData(reviewRequestAssignedId, false).getEmail(); } else{ reviewRequestAssignedEmail = "william.jobs@acme.com" } return reviewRequestAssignedEmail;
- Move to the next page
- Set A pending request is waiting for approval as the subject
- Click on Finish
Run the process to test it:
- Make sure FakeSMTP server is still running.
- Click on Run and instantiate a new case
- After 5 seconds, check FakeSMTP box. An email has been sent.